Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Isnā€™t that the way he likes them?


Well its happened, project x has resorted to reposting articles now.

God help us when he eventually stumbles across Stormfront.

TBF I think the Daily Mail is about his level.

Ya iā€™m sick of these christians. Fucking assholes.

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I think he can make the step up.

He is a supporter of ā€œIdentity Irelandā€ after all.

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Heā€™s a paid up member according to his social media profile.

Who did he pay his membership fee to? Himself?

Iā€™m not sure, but his inbox must be over loaded with hate mail.

An awful story


Christ is that all you read mate? And sky news 1st thing each morning. You require some edumincation my friend

So you are suggesting that the situation reported on did not take place?

The violent murder of a young woman going about her business of helping people is merely a tabloid story to them and of no interest to them.

You are wasting your time with these people.

No buddy not at all. But you need to weigh up other things that are going on and add some balance to the shituation. Facism is on the rise

@Rocko - reminding you of my request on banning certain posters from being able to post links. If this isnā€™t possible then how about a special area of the board where all @ProjectXā€™s posts go so they get the attention they deserve?

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The mujaheddin were the forebears of al-Qaeda and Islamic State. They included Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who received tens of millions of dollars in cash from the CIA. Their leader, Hekmatyarā€™s specialty was trafficking in opium and throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. All sponsered by the us so ā€˜Democracyā€™ could not spread in the mid east and that Russia could be countered and so natural resources could be thieved

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Is that why you are an Isis sympathiser, because you hate the US?
Thatā€™s fucked up kid

Jaysus will you get a fucking life