Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread


Read that earlier today and it scared the bejaysus out of me.

it won’t be long till that is happening in an Irish town or city

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Last summer, the csi types and peelers closed princess parkway for a full forensic search. This would be akin to closing the bodkin junction in Galway as it is the major commuter route from the south into central Manchester.
Anyhow it followed reports that a man got off the tram behaving suspiciously, carrying a bag dripping with blood. Rumors quickly spread among the south Manchester cafe set that he had a head in the bag.
Turns out some poor hoor was discharged from the infirmary following surgery, and got the tram home, but his wound started bleeding, he nearly bled to death, bleeding all over himself, his bag and the tram.


Terror alert in Fingal. Man shot…

Trouble on the way

Following on from discussion of Sutherland a while back, he was on newstalk this morning. His new role seems a strange one for him given his background. He was very compassionate and pragmatic. May actually have been an inspired move to appoint a guy like this to this job rather than a preachy lefty human rights supporter like me.

You’re being harsh on yourself there Glas


What’s his new role Glas?

UN Special Representative for International Migration

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You’re an awful man Glas. :smile:

New role, my fucking hole.

i see ‘Republican’ terrorists still bating away up north fighting i suppose for a united ireland by tying shitty little homemade bombs to the underside of a prison teachers van.

Sinn Fein supporters gone very quiet today.

Could this be as a result of today’s terrorism in Northern Ireland?

No, they are busy forming the new government

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They are too busy frothing at the mouth about free water.

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probably signing on day aswell


Your buddy was on the Last Word there defending two militant Islamic preachers being allowed into the country for a speaking engagement


Any Muslims attending this whatever the fuck it is camouflaged as should be driven straight to the airport.

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