Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Unreal unbelievable coming from a wordsmith like yourself that means a lot


Theyā€™re bating the tar out of him right now before heā€™s extradited to France

Razed to the ground mate.


sure that was the auto correct on the s7 ffs

It humours me how the ā€˜intelligentsiaā€™ completely ignore your forward thinking solution driven post and focus on a spelling mistake. You literally couldnā€™t make that up.
These people need to read a newspaper column to tell them how they should feel, they have no strong opinion and no solution. They are good at spelling though.


Iā€™ve been in Molenbeek, its not even the size of moyross, fair play to the Belgian police, that was an unreal operation, the more I read about Brevik, the more I admire him, a defender of European Values, if he was a free man he would have taken a train down there and done his duty, did ye see the way they fucked Salah into to the back of a golf, the leg shot off him, unreal, Iā€™m drinking a bottle of west indies porter here now and laughing to myself imaging what he is getting off the Belgians inside in that interrogation room

You donā€™t think that the police in Belgium and France have been infiltrated by Islamic terrorists?


On the contrary, I am the only one here who has given a credible solution to the Islamic terrorist threat. Banning the 12th version of Islam in civilized countries as hate speech is the only solution. As for immigrants and refugees, a simple two question interview before entering any civilized country would suffice; 1) are you a Muslim, and if yes, 2) Do you believe Sharia law should be the law of the land, if yes fuck off. All mosques where 12th century Islam is preached should be raised to the ground and their preachers and congregation expelled. Itā€™s quite simple.


Fair play Iā€™d agree with all that.

@tassotti s solution is more realistic though and much more achievable.

am I prepared to give myself for the Roman Catholic Church, European Values and a modern way of life? yes I think am

Red lead is a Waterford invention I think? Tasted great in a sandwich but looked like nuclear waste. Clover meats were the culprits if I remember correctly ?

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@Tassotti Iā€™m hearing chatter about London going into lockdown, can you confirm?

Attack in Brussels airport, two bombs gone off

11 reported dead

multiple fatalities

It must be stressed that this HAS NOT been confirmed as an act of terror.

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