Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Fucks sake

Who’s on the Naas road tonight chaps?

Six bags of 18-6-12 I hear


Fuck all potash in those few acres off the Nass road.

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Yeah. Charlie Hebdo really beat the shit out of Isis alright.

I see the Queens county are taking the fight to ISIS

An amusing story that, especially given how fiercely IRA country Ballylinan is.

Anyway, I have been using ridicule as a weapon against U2 for over 30 years and they’re still as bad as ever.

As if ISIS give a fuck that Bono is ridiculing them. Now if Justin Beiber got on board that could crush ISIS altogether.

It would be a right smart move from IS to issued a Fatwa on Bono. We’d all be waving black flags.

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“Joshua joined the British Army for four years when he left school
because he wanted to see the world and he wanted to be involved in it.”

There’s easier ways of seeing the world than joining an army.


You aren’t exactly seeing the best of places either. A few deserts in the middle east with lads shooting at you isn’t quite seeing the world you’d think.

You’ve never been to Ballylinan. Athy is the “bright lights”.

Another terrorist trained by the British army.




Great to see that you’ve expanded your daily literature intake to include the Sunday World.