Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

President Le Pen got closer tonight.

It’s worth a couple of points in the polls to Trump too.

That video is gruesome.

Le Pen can’t win in a run-off.

Alain Juppe is the most likely to win.

Hollande won’t be re-elected though.

No don’t delete. Too often we here and see terrorism attacks. But truth be told we can’t really comprehend them. While pictures like that are disturbing, it brings home the absolute, ute horror of the situation


How will Boris deal with this one considering his new role?

Probably say the frogs should have hopped out of the way

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I couldn’t help myself, just watched it there. Mother of God, there are some sick cunts on this planet to go out and kill innocent people like that.

The cunt who walked around the dead bodies and felt the need to upload it straight away to the world is another thing. Has human life become so worthless that the dead are disrespected like that. It has been the same with some of the gangland murders in Ireland - “there’s a bullet riddled dead body there, better send it on WhatsApp to the lads.”

Tolerance and multi culturalism has failed in France and Western Europe. Even though it’s not politically correct to say it.


Interior Ministry say there are no hostage situations.

Probably.,but If these attacks continue anything is possible.,

After the Euros went off without incident, it was probably a no brainer that something would happened tonight. The French may or may not have breathed a huge sigh of relief after the soccer and thought the worse was over

I won’t watch the video, however Shep Smith on Fox News is broadcasting a video on his program of the aftermath.

Sky now pondering is it an intelligence failure.

In fairness it is impossible to stop some nutter getting into a car or truck or walking into a shopping centre with a machine gun and deciding to blow away all in front of him.

Watched that “The Jihadi’s next door” programme on C4 a few months back. The UK have confiscated the passports of some of these preachers so they can’t leave. Surely the best option is to deport them and drop the cunts in the middle of the Atlantic.

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73 dead now.


So much wrong with this Twitter thread

Click and read all the responses

ISIS usually don’t claim responsibility for a good few hours after an event so would be weird for them to claim it so early. Fucking awful and horrific. Ridiculous.

Stay Safe, pal.

The terrorist has ruined the shopping trip to Nice for that English woman on Sky :rollseyes:


She’s worried about getting her flight home.

“I’m sorry people died but I just hope my flight back isn’t affected.”

Her dinner was ruined too. Although she was enjoying her meal so much that she wasn’t bothered with the fireworks. And she was in the toilet when it all kicked off.