Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Let’s light candles and open a book of condolences, that’ll frighten isis

Didn’t know that fella was deported. Great news.

Colm O’Gorman seething over it is an added bonus.


Jordan won’t treat him kindly after that poor pilot.

Cheers for the round mate, you didn’t have to do that…was it because you scared my little bhoy?

Reporting of the Nice incident seems to have gone a bit quiet. I’m still learning towards it being a lone nutter rather than an organised ISIS attack

I wouldn’t be so sure that these depraved terrorist events in France and Belgium are actually in anyway connected/lead by an overall terror group with a central leadership.

Lone wolf madness seems far more plausible I reckon.

A lot of Muslims I’ve spoken to actually say ISIS doesn’t even exist or at the very least to the extent that is talked up anyway in the Western Media as they put it.

It’s worth considering for the French authorities at least.

It’s well known they haven’t treated their immigrant population well at all to say the least over the last half century.

Attempted coup under way in Turkey

Most attacks are lone nutters who are trying to get ISIS to recognise it. The nutters film something before they start it and get it to the ISIS people and if the attack is deemed good enough then ISIS will recognise it as theirs even though the central ISIS lads have had no part in the attack.

A month before the Orlando attack, a video was circulated to the ISIS followers of a homosexual being thrown off a building in Iraq or Syria plunging to his death. This was seen to be a video to get their followers to follow suit as the ‘theme’. They’ve hundreds of people trawling social media trying to get people involved or to run with attacks that they don’t take part in the planning for. It’s scary when you think of it all.

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Thanks Chavez

And Merkel wants them to be allowed into the EU :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Secularists trying to overthrow Erdogan?

I would imagine so. Not a bad thing in my opinion.


Anthony Moyles has the solution…



No she doesn’t

It is sad to see France and Europe back here again

IS don’t exist in Europe.

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I am not going in to this with you because you know

IS do not exist in Europe.