Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The French need to go out to that desert and destroy ISIS. If they’d no flag to fly under it might stop a few of the nut jobs. You could turn France into a police state and it still wouldn’t stop these lads.

When we were over for the euros we were chatting to a taxi driver before the French match, a French-arab he said he does not support the national team, “they aren’t my team” were his exact words. I said are you not French and he just shrugged and gave me this look of you wouldn’t understand. A nation divided. Reaping the seeds of their colonial past I suppose

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They wouldn’t know where to start with it the main problem id say it’s so widespread.

It doesn’t end.

That’s probably the most frightening thing alright

If that street was the Shankill Road and not somewhere in Nice, you’d be texting me now to go for celebratory pints in Fowlers you hypocritical gobshite.

I should have a winner for you later mate. Keep phone nearby

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I’ll take a PM pal, some drinking money for the Leinster Final on Sunday would be appreciated.

We need less flutes like Colm for a start.

We need to sort these cunts dont care how

My missus was asking why always France.
Was the Charlie Hebdo cartoon the worst thing to ever happen in that country or is most of this unrelated?

but apart from that how was the play Mrs Lincoln?

FFS[quote=“backinatracksuit, post:4848, topic:19924, full:true”]
My missus was asking why always France.
Was the Charlie Hebdo cartoon the worst thing to ever happen in that country or is most of this unrelated?


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It’s easy to hit France, that’s why. Large muslim communities that will always have some nutcases within.

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All variations on the same theme. France is in the unfortunate position of being the main interface between fundamentalist Islam and the western world

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France has a long colonial past … The French military are involved in the mid east… Disaffected Arab/Muslim youths and slums in all major French cities… 100 years ago the French were carrying out worse atrocities in other countries, that doesn’t make anything right of course, just saying.

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Battle of Algiers is on of my favourite movies ever, unbelievably good.
It still seems that the French are having a bad time.

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Alright, pal. Just bumped into @anon98850436 and family in Dublin 4. I told him to keep his phone nearby.


Thanks mate

There was some program about this on prime time last night. Anyone see it?

sorry mate, I was in a bespoke picture house watching an independent documentary last night

no biggy

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