Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Not a deportation

Ah lads.

Nineteen people have been stabbed to death as they slept at a centre for disabled people in Japan’s worst mass killing in decades.

Police arrested 26-year-old Satoshi Uematsu, who was a former employee at the facility, after he handed himself in.

The suspect had been involuntarily committed to hospital for two weeks earlier this year after he tried to present a letter to the speaker of the lower house of Japan’s parliament, in which he expressed a willingness to kill disabled people if the government approved.

At least 25 other residents of the centre in Sagamihara - about 20 miles southwest of Tokyo - were wounded during the attack, 20 of them seriously.

Priest dead along with the two hostage takers

“neutralised” :ronnyroar:

I see reports are saying the the Priest and nuns had their throats slit.

good fuck.

Lead turned the acidic bastards into basic bitches

I am currently under a terror attack from the moderators, they have banned me previously and are now childishly deleting all my posts.
Please help me.

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Very poor form deleting the Roman Catholic Thread today of all days.

Beyond a joke now lads.

What a surprise, another day in Europe and another attack by muslim terrorists.

Donald Trump was right, this appears to be the new reality because there is nothing to suggest that the European leaders will bother doing anything about the situation.

This from a lad complaining about poor form. Why don’t you just fuck off, you’re not wanted here.

If this keeps happening randomly a cross the western world, then tourism will be non existent in a few years

Flesh that one out?
The greatest number of tourists are from “the western world”. If attacks happen randomly then why would it matter where you are?


Remind me this evening. I’ll flesh it out a bit after work.

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Only a matter of time before a mosque gets torched, then watch the pc brigade of peace and love come out in force to sympathise

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The muslim terrorists beheaded the priest as he celebrated Mass in his own parish church.

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