Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The world is fucked mate. Fucked.

Any statement from Pope Francis yet? Are the Swiss Guards gearing up to protect churches?

Is that abomination of a thread gone! No loss in fairness it was one of the most pathetic threads on the entire internet.

Fucking shower of cowards

I wonder if that Peter Sutherland lad has had enough of this muslim cultural enrichment.

there’s that famous @fisty temper rearing its ugly head.

The doctor gunned down in a Berlin hospital earlier today has now died. The gunman shot himself also.

@Tim Riggins

his hero has done this

I am hearing reports of state sponsored/directed media black outs of various assaults in Sweden and Germany being carried out by migrants lest they provoke a hostile reaction.

Any TFK members in those territories care to comment


yes, not true

This is not a new development, it’s been like that for the past year or more.

Tin hat time.

That’s won’t save you from a bomb or a knife attack

We must reach out to our Muslim brothers seems to be the liberal response to Muslims randomly shooting, raping, stabbing and beheading scores of civilians across the western world.

Should we reach out to Christian fundamentalists too, should we reach out to the KKK also?

It appears that the looney dangerous liberals are prepared to allow Europeans be murdered rather than admit that they were wrong about muslim terrorists

Christian or not we should

At least the French police are no longer trying to negotiate with these cunts. Take them out as quick as they can.

Expect fierce retaliation for this

Mother of fuck

I bet Naughty Norman Price was responsible for that

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