Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Ah well thereā€™s always next timešŸ˜‰


Itā€™s Qaddafi or al-Khadafi.

Itā€™s worm food


Thatā€™s brilliant. Here with shiner and Ado in porto if you fancy it.

Whoā€™s minding your kids? Can they look after mine too?

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News will inevitably start coming in at some point over the next few hours about some terrorist incident or attempted terrorist incident in some European city.

But which European city?

France remains a contender for obvious reasons but the element of surprise is gone. So Iā€™ll steer clear.

Germany has also been a recent target and the Krauts will be sure to be on their guard.

Belgium is also too obvious a target.

I believe the odds favour a new target. Itā€™ll be a western country with a high number of Middle Eastern immigrants which either hasnā€™t been the target of a high profile attack recently.

My main contenders are the UK, Holland and Italy.

London could be a contender, but to me Edinburgh seems the most likely and easiest target.

Amsterdam is the other likeliest target, I feel. This would be symbolic as Holland is seen as the bastion of European liberalism and an attack there would strike at the very heart of Free Europe.

But Iā€™ll go with Edinburgh.

Prediction: Edinburgh lorry hijacking, 74 dead.

What are your predictions?

Reports of Istanbul nightclub attack.

Kay Burley is in central London and nothing happened. She feels cheated.

I think we all feel cheated that nothing has happened to her.


OMG would 2017 just fuck off already?


3 dead, 9 injured in shooting at Fort Lauderdale airport

One for the near misses thread. I was there 18 months ago

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FAO @project_x

Heā€™s staying in Apollo House at the minute.

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Can Paddy Casey not share the wifi code?

Legal to carry a gun in your checked luggage in the States. What a country.



But shur thereā€™s no ammo, perfectly harmless. You couldnā€™t expect a god fearing American to arrive in a new state gun-less. Maybe if everyone on the flight had a loaded gun this may have been averted.

In your carry on.

Bullets in your checked.