Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread



The lone suspect in the shooting at the Quebec City mosque Sunday night is believed to be Alexandre Bissonnette, a 27-year-old student at Université Laval who was studying anthropology before switching to political science.

The Sûreté du Québec will not confirm the identity of the suspect, who is expected to be arraigned at the Quebec City courthouse Monday afternoon. Several media reports say Bissonnette is the suspect.

But according to real-estate records, Bissonnette’s parents own a home on Tracel St. in the Cap-Rouge district of Quebec City where police conducted a search on Monday.

Bissonnette’s father is listed in the sales deed as an investigator. According to Bissonnette’s Facebook page — which has since been taken offline — his grandfather was a decorated war hero.

As for the suspected shooter himself, his Facebook page does not reveal a great deal about his possible motivations.

His musical tastes appear to range from Katy Perry to Megadeth.

The young man, who dressed up as the Grim Reaper for Halloween, also “liked” Donald Trump, French Front National leader Marine Le Pen and Mathieu Bock-CĂłtĂ©, a Quebec City columnist known for his pro-nationalist and anti-multicultural views.

A refugee welcome group in the capital city, however, said Bissonnette’s name and photograph were already familiar to them. In a post on Facebook, Bienvenu aux rĂ©fugiĂ©s said they learned “with sadness and anger about the identity of the terrorist Alexandre Bissonnette, unfortunately known by several militants in Quebec City for his viewpoints that were pro-LePen and anti-feminist, as expressed in social media and at UniversitĂ© Laval.”

Many hours after this was proved to not be the case, Fox News is still reporting this.

Fox News = Fake News.


A right wing internet troll. Fucking hell.

Has anyone heard anything from @anon7035031

He couldnt organise the “mother of all wums” here ffs ,doubt he could organise a shooting


He couldn’t even get the Nogra lads onside ffs


Left them in disarray

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Fox News falsehood tweet still up.

Pamela Geller speaks

As I predicted last night, the shooters in the Quebec mosque attack are Muslim, as is generally the case in these circumstances. The jihadis were shouting “Allahu akbar” as they gunned down men worshiping at a Quebec mosque.

One of two gunmen who shouted “Allahu akbar!” as they opened fire at a mosque in Quebec City was of Moroccan origin, a witness and local media reported Monday, revealing the first details about the attackers in the massacre that killed six men. Was it Sunni versus Shia? Or disgruntled mosque attendees?

It’s safe to say Alexandre Bissonnette is a Muslim convert. They should be using his real name, his Arabic name.

The Islamic supremacists and their leftist lapdog apologists who blamed Trump and “islamophobia” are further revealed for the liars and dissembling that they are.

The office of the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has forced Fox News to apologise and retract a “false and misleading” tweet that inaccurately described the suspect in the QuĂ©bec City mosque shooting as a man of Moroccan origin.

Kate Purchase, the director of communications for the prime minister’s office, sent a letter to Fox News objecting to misinformation it had put out after the attack on the QuĂ©bec City Islamic cultural center.

Six people were fatally shot in the back as they prayed at the mosque on Sunday. Another 19 people were wounded. On Tuesday two people remained in critical condition.

Shortly after the attack police had arrested two men, one of whom was a Moroccan-born QuĂ©becer. By midday on Monday, police had clarified that only one was a suspect, and they had released the Moroccan-born man – who was now being treated as a witness – without charge.

Fox News later tweeted on Monday afternoon – after the police clarification – that the suspect in the attack was of Moroccan origin.

The Fox News tweet made no mention of the other man arrested, French-Canadian Alexandre Bissonnette, who now faces six charges of first-degree murder and five of attempted murder. Those who know Bissonnette have described him as pro-Donald Trump, anti-immigration and sympathetic to the far right.

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Tragic misunderstanding. An Arab-looking English tourist needed to use the toilet and asked could he use the Louvre to get rid of a few bombs.

Some fucking dope trying something on at the Louvre. It’s crawling with trigger happy soldiers.

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Has nobody considered the possibility that this incident may have actually been high concept performance art?

If the guy was a mime, we should all condone the shooting, regardless of terrorist leanings or not.


I hope that the safety of the people of the UK is not being put at risk due to very poor vetting of migrants by the Irish government :flushed:


6 dead in Melbourne