Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Define that. Have people already forgotten the miscarriages of justice carried out by the British state throughout the troubles? The Guilford Four? The Maguires, who were supposedly involved in the bombings in a ‘meaningful way’ and spent 15 years in jail on bogus charges.

But of course they had to know right? Because they were Irish and they knew the likes of Gerry Conlon who we knew was meaningfully involved.

Deaths in Syria from US airstrikes in a single month. 225 civilians. 44 children.



I don’t think flatty is proposing that the authorities frame people, as was done in the cases of the Guildford 4 and the Maguires.

The fundamental problem here is a poisonous, violent, hateful ideology based on the ravings of a 7th century pedophile (I can say that safely, as I live in a country where it’s not illegal to blaspheme). While the great majority of Muslims worldwide are not poisonous, violent, hateful people, many of the clerics who preach in mosques are. In reality it is difficult, if not impossible, to preach Islam without the corrosive rhetoric. If your basic premise is that non-Muslims are evil and need to be subjugated or eliminated, why is it surprising that young Muslims are radicalized?

The myth perpetrated by liberals that Islam is a religion of peace is horseshit, and indicative of the complete absence of rational thought liberals are capable of today. The only brotherhood in Islam is brotherhood between Muslims. 64% of the Quran relates to how to deal with infidels, and the language is unambiguous, they are animals and beasts who must be eliminated. This is the shit they are taught ffs, in the 21st century.

We have reached a level of insanity where a Christian woman who criticizes late term abortion is accused of hate speech, but any criticism of Islam is also defined as hate speech. By the same fucking people.


all those liberal fucktards and snowflakes should be fucked out aswell along with their Muslim buddies, we are getting murdered in the streets by these pigs



Haha. Quick edit.

Shut your mouth you stupid cunt.

I wouldn’t go that far, but they need to be challenged. The level of political correctness around criticism of Islam in the UK is astonishing. The daft cunts being interviews by the windbag Piers Morgan, accusing him of being full of anger and hate when he suggested that Muslim communities should be doing more to report these mad cunts to the authorities. What the fuck is wrong about being angry about children being ripped to shreds by ball bearings?



They’re not even that though, an apologist would actually submit an argument on behalf of Islam, and many do. Liberal nutters just put their hands over their ears and scream “hater”.

I thought you had fucked off?

Some beauties posting here. Textbooks, media, brainwashed pawns advancing and persuing the Zionist agenda knowingly or unknowingly. Rather sad.

What made you think that?

Because most of the criticism is generalised and inaccurate. The notion that criticism of Wahhabism is somehow curtailed is total nonsense. It’s the attacks on the Muslim community generally that are opposed, and rightly so. They are deeply ignorant, dangerous, and counter-productive. And they are dangerous for two reasons. Firstly they contribute to the alienation of young Muslims when their continued integration is understood by all sides as essential for a wide variety of factors. Second, they reinforce calls for mass detention, deportation, or worse. How can anyone look at European history and not understand how dangerous the inflammation of hatred towards an ethnic minority is?

If someone can’t be bothered to do even the most basic of research and discern the differences between the evil, puritanical Wahhabist sect that is the source of these atrocities, and Muslims at large, then they shouldn’t expect people to accept their hateful bullshit. Especially if they’re also cheering about the sale of $100B plus in weaponry to Wahhabist Saudi Arabia.


Your resignation from the forum (which I just gave a like to).
Surprised it hasn’t gained you a nice post yet.

People say things all the time, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are being sincere.

Complete and utter horseshit.

First of all, the great majority of people who are non-Muslims know nothing about Islam or it’s teachings. Including yourself it sounds like. If you can’t see the distinction I made between the vast majority of Muslims and the hateful ideology of Islam, and still come up with the horseshit you posted, there is no point debating with you. Muslims are not evil people, the ideology they profess to belief in is evil, anyone who claims otherwise simply hasn’t done any research on the subject.

As for arms sales to Saudi, I don’t agree with most of the US intervention in the Middle East, and if you cared to research my posts you would know that. In reality though, to maintain some kind of stability in the region, you need a strong military presence to offset Iran (now that we destroyed Iraq’s ability).

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Written by mehdi hasan, no skin in that game for the author :smiley:

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No Muslim voice is legitimate? Damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

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It’s time to be quiet now labane. You don’t want to make yourself an irredeemable cunt.