Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Iā€™ll set my big dog on your little dog if you keep this up.

Complicit in mass murder

Complicit in mass murder

Complicit in mass murder


Take a break mate.


Complicit in mass murder

Have you read the manifesto?

Nah - Iā€™ve already read @anon7035031ā€™s posts here for years.

The only thing heā€™s left out is telling people to subscribe to PewDiePie.

Iā€™ve sent your ā€œkill the Jewsā€ post to the guards in Galway. You should expect a knock on the door anytime now.

Somebody is very, very, very rattled at being exposed as a virulent white supremacist Nazi, arenā€™t they?

Iā€™m surprised, I thought youā€™d take it as a compliment, Brenton.

Fortunately for you the guards are busy checking on dog and TV licenses, potential terrorists not on their priority list apparently.


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Mate, you are replying to a very, very troubled individual here. He seems to think throwing out fascist, racist, right wing bad man or whatever in every single one of his cookie cutter, cliched posts lends him some sort of moral authority.

He happens to be @Bandage and @Rocko pet rat and they let him away with saying this ridiculous nonesense constantly but I guess it makes the accountants/fenians feel a little more radical. Thank the lord for the internet, because otherwise sidney might actually be out in the real world and the bandage type twats might have to chortle awkwardly drinking their coors light in the 51 avoiding eye contact with him.


He is the very definition of shitposting. Doesnā€™t even realize that he is a disciple of Tarrantā€™s, giving him all the oxygen he craves. Expect this one to run and run, this is his wet dream.

ā€¦also, pretend fenians. If they had been around would have hid under the bed.

Did your parents buy a dog licence when they had you?

Or, like an unwanted puppy at Christmas, were you just given away or left out in the cold?

It would explain all the far right anger and the utter hatred for minorities you have.

I see your poodle friend was online overnight backing up your Nazi rhetoric.

Facsism never sleeps and all that.

It was pointed out to you that the perpetrator believed in all the same insane things about Muslims and immigrants that you do.

You never responded.

His Nazi rhetoric could have come straight from your keyboard.

In other words, he is you.

We have the use of an ignore function around here again my advice to you would be to use it and stop whining like a little bitch, bitch.



Sidney is the greatest advert the right never paid for.

Like certain other posters here, you just prove my point that fascism is a self-perpetuating bubble in which literally anything can be used to reinforce oneā€™s facist views.

For fascists, the problem is never the fascists, itā€™s always the anti-fascists.

People donā€™t get pushed into fascism by anti-fascists, they get seduced by fascist demagogues who spin lying, simplistic narratives which appeals to their inherent anti-intellectualism and bias against learning. Their latent inner fascist, in other words.

All fascist sympathising posters here share that same deep disdain for learning and intellectualism.

Youā€™ve always given off a distinct vibe of being one of those.

The inability to post anything of more than one sentence is a dead giveaway.

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