Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Go and shit in a hat and eat it, you fucking brainwashed fascist fruitloop danger to society.

You have a lot of blood on your hands, you piece of stinking excrement.

Eat shit, you racist, fascist, Jew-hating, Muslim-hating white supremacist scumbag.

At least we still have the voices of reasoned, intelligent debate on here


All we are missing is for one to call the other a poo poo head.

Limerick is in danger of becoming the racism capital of Ireland according to the mayor
This attack is disgusting, for some reason it seems fair game for laughs and childish point scoring though, I don’t get it???

Apparently actual fascists must be treated with respect here now, at least if we’re to listen to a “both sides” simpleton like you.

You don’t reason with fascism.

Fascism isn’t there to reason with you.


Spoken like a true little dictator :rollseyes:

Wow, what a contribution, thanks for that. I’m being sarcastic, by the way.

It was a worthless post written like the overgrown manchild with a reading age of 12 that you undoubtedly are.

Ok little man!

Fucking KFC is closed all the workers gone to the mosque :mosque:.

What will you do now?

Go to the pub I suppose. :pensive:

A package of cheese and onion tayto and a package of peanuts with a pint of cider ?

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Bangladesh cricket team had a lucky escape. They were just minutes from the mosque for their Friday prayers when it happened.

Well that’s more of a Sunday thing with me. Il have a few quite ones tonight, a few whiskey sours. jp and a few of his trainers might be there later so Il wait and see.

NZ PM just spoke live. Confirmed the perp wasn’t on any watch list and that gun law reform will be happening as a result of these attacks.

That’ll drive @anon7035031 mental altogether

He’ll most likely go out on a murder spree himself in total disgust.

Why would it drive me mental? I am in favor of gun control and a complete ban on semi-automatic weapons, in the US or any other country. It won’t stop these type of attacks though, any more than it stopped any other mass killings in countries that have strict gun control. Nutters like those involved in NZ today, or in Paris, in Brussels, in London, in Norway, etc. will always find a way to kill.

The only solution is active surveillance of hate groups and especially social media. No doubt the screaming Marys will be on complaining about invasion of rights.


I spent a couple of weeks in a small town close to Richmond QLD about 15 years ago. The locals were massively racist and sexist. It was a the Wild West stuck in the early 1900’s.

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