Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

You put a lot of thought into that - going back editing it 5 mins laterā€¦ How is it criticism of me do tell? Iā€™m no fan of Joeā€™s, nor Peterson ā€¦ Iā€™ll engage with some of their stuff just as easily as iā€™d engage with stuff from the left/ centre/ rightā€¦ iā€™m flexible in my views and in what I listen to/ read.

You dont have to be right all the time mate.

Youā€™re the only one who can answer that as you clearly feel it is

Not at all ā€¦ I was tagged into this thread and as I said, I only skimmed through the article and only offered cursory findings - nothing binding.

Well at least you skimmed through it. Sid sneered at it without even reading it, then he boasted that heā€™d already read four paragraphs - which presumably meant he was on to the last oneā€¦

I read the whole article - you clearly didnā€™t mate

After youā€™d been caught out

Caught out with what? :grin:

@anon7035031 go nuts there for a week mate.

Dave Rubin is a self styled ā€œlibertarianā€ podcaster and online media ā€œpersonalityā€.

All these self-styled ā€œclassical liberalsā€ and ā€œlibertariansā€ end up gravitating towards the far right. ā€œLibertarianismā€ and far right ideology go hand in hand.

Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a poster on this forum who reminds me of this, but off hand I canā€™t think who it is. Oh waitā€¦

Probably some of Parkinsonā€™s neanderthal Twitter fanbois


Far more going on here that being reported obviously. Iā€™d advise anyone to thread very carefully.

"Donā€™t blame laois people blame the victim "


I think its safe to say, given the proximity of Shaen to the Motorway, this was most definitely Kildare people.

To be fair, one could easily use the George Hook narrative here - what did he expect would happen by moving to a backward, neanderthal shithole like Laois?

Incidentally, Offaly isnā€™t far away from Shaen, so we shouldnā€™t rule them out of this either.

FWIW Shaen is a lovely area, not far from The Great Heath and the wonderful culinary delight that is Treacys Bar and Restaurant.

Mainstream right-wing politics has a serious hate speech problem

You faked that

ISIS again


Catholicism is under attack @Tassotti