Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Shocking. The mi5 sponsored glennane gang had something similar planned here in the 70s

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I recall that, after Kingsmill right? What was it, 35 Catholics murdered in south Armagh alone between the truce of early 1975 to early 1976? 120 Catholics killed overall I believe. One side really wanted civil war badly.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a plan to ban military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles in the wake of a terrorist attack that killed 50 people in Christchurch.

Ms Ardern said the ban would also apply to high-capacity magazines, all parts with the ability to convert firearms into semi-automatic-style weapons and parts that cause “close to automatic gunfire”.

She said the law would be in place by April 11, at the end of the next two-week sitting session.

“In short, every semi-automatic weapon used in the terrorist attack on Friday will be banned in this country,” she said.

It takes a special kind of cretin to claim that “mainstream media” are not reporting on a story, while simultaneously linking to a Reuters report on it. :laughing:

You didn’t really think that one through, Gemma.

Reuters are not mainstream in the US. Mainstream media are ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN and MSNBC. Only Fox covered this story yesterday, and this morning NBC have picked it up. The question is why wouldn’t media outlets like CNN and MSNBC cover a story of an attempt in western Europe to burn 51 children alive? Seems odd they wouldn’t find it newsworthy.

Reuters are not “mainstream” now, apparently. :laughing:

The one man unintentional comedy show just keeps delivering.

For a pretend journalist, reading comprehension appears to be a weakness of yours.
Reuters is not mainstream in the US, why is that hard to comprehend?
Why do you think your beloved CNN, MSNBC, Vox, etc. are not covering the attempt to burn 51 children alive in western European country? Answer the question or kindly fuck off.

I’m working with a lad who is ex Polish military he was a top marksman and instructor, he was rabbiting on how the media constantly use ISIS this and that and they never label the terrorists Muslims, he compared it to how Italy and Germany after WW2 are referred to looking back as Fascists and Nazis rather than Germans and Italians. He described the New Zealand shootings as “a good job, clean job!”

Yes it is pal - let it go - you dont need to humiliate yourself any more than you’ve done since you first posted on this forum.

Hipster fascism is all the rage

Joe Rogan is your friendly gateway to right wing white supremacist insanity





Slate is largely written by gimps, but this was fairly good:

Fascinating. I’ve always longed to know what Slate do with my data.

I’ve tried to post Slate articles before here, actually. None of them will link properly.

That’s an article about Joe Rogan’s far-right following, don’t read it if you don’t want to.

I know. I’ve already read four paragraphs of it.

Is Joe rogan ‘far right’ now? I thought he was some random middle of the road podcaster who isn’t quite as low brow as Russell Brand (@anon61878697)

Interesting article, that.

I really enjoyed this demolition of Jordan Peterson. I couldn’t help thinking of a certain poster on this forum as the preposterous worldview of Peterson was skewered.

Funnily enough, I agree with him that words can lead to, or incite, murder - but in the completely opposite way to how he thinks it does - which is obviously utterly absurd.

Flicked through that - your man seem’s to do a lot of crying about what he want’s Joe’s show or interview’s to be … he appears to want them to fit his world view, which is very ironic… but i only skimmed it.

That’s the modern world tho - everyone need’s to dig in and consolidate their world view — there’s no learning, people just cling to stuff that makes them appear right and dismiss everything else as complete poison… it’s an awful way to live yet most of the western world are at it.

He does the opposite, mate

Accurate criticism of a show is not “crying” - one of the problems with the modern world is reactions like yours in which you can’t take a bit of criticism without actually doing the exact thing which you mendaciously project onto others