Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Will from The Inbetweeners seems completely relaxed.

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The guy with the backpack could have been radicalised by his friend to his right. The porcelain toilets might provide adequate shelter should you hear Allah Akbar


He must have been throwing away a bit of charlie



Knife man on the go in Holland now

Coordinated attacks. Europe is under siege.
Ballinamore will be next.

Youd be mad to try and cross the Thames via a bridge.
@Juhniallio knew

Been a while since Brux got hit and I’m there the week after next :eek:

No just got a clip sent of the cops shooting him


Guy just shot in ballyvolane Cork druggie

image https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1390457115ra/8217321.gif

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“The people who tackled the terrorist, they are the best of us”

One was a convicted murderer actually

In the 2017 London Bridge attack one of those attacked was a paedophile

London Bridge sure does attract some dodgy characters

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A convicted murderer of modern times was the lad you needed minding the village in olden days.

Psychopaths evolved because they were necessary.

He was hunted down by two guys armed with a fire extinguisher and a 5ft Narwhal tusk :clap::clap:

Fantastic stuff. A text book case of prison rehabilitation followed by redemption. This murderer is a hero.


Any confirmation of the ethnicity @Sidney? Was he a tory or a corbynite? An anti semite? We need you to weigh in here? A techoncrat? A trump supporter, maybe a barf kavenite? Answers

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Of course you are sure you’re in Singapore

He’s moved. He’s minding the child for the wife in London.

Couldn’t be keeping tabs on these crackas