Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Is there another way of shooting? And what are you basing the statement on?

What? He wasn’t stabbing people and he didn’t have a knife on him

For somebody who was bigging up their Irish Republican credentials, this is an embarrassingly ignorant answer


Eh, thats kinda the point

So it’s in no way comparable with what happened today. So why did you try to compare them?

Shoot to kill doesn’t work unless you don’t mind the fact that you will take the lives of innocent people. The example I gtave was a prime one. Thats the point, read back, I really don’t know where you’re trying to go with this bro.

It works if you aim to kill and kill.

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The suspect is DEAD, I repeat, DEAD

This is the first official confirmation of this news on this forum and comes straight from the Metropolitan Police

I accept your thanks for this citizen journalism

But theres no other option than shoot to kill, you can’t ‘wing’ people, if they are shooting it has to be lethal. Which unfortunately it had to be in this case. But they can’t sit back and wait to see if a device is a hoax,or if other weapons are used

Case closed there was a device, shoot early and often

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Oh dear, the Tories were asleep on the job, just like in 2017

Can’t keep Britain safe

Tell that to the large Brazilian community of Brixton and Stockwell

Should have thrown him in the river to be sure


I’m on the ground in London. Blitz spirit very much alive. Everyone is getting on with things. The English are a special nation. cc @Tassotti


We shall not be moved. Does anyone here look worried by terror? I think not.


Wrong thread

I’m grand btw lads, thanks for asking.