Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

3rd death confirmed. Has anyone woken Boris up yet

False flag?

I dunno. Sounded like a local random, some Breivik/@Enrique type, or possibly gang related. The more you hear as the night goes on the worse its sounding worse and worse

He’s watching Match of the Day.

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Government that has made a hames of the Covid crisis; an old fashioned terrorist attack to make the negative headlines disappear temporarily.

The forum can breathe a collective sigh of relief in that case

Law and order

Dont worry…he’s all over the swing low sweet chariot outrage

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Are you trying to be funny or ultra woke?

Ugh, you again

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No one gives a shit about covid on the mainland. Its over

Chill, the footix started today. Everything gonna be alright

Ah now. That was funny in fairness…

What part?

Christ you’re some dullard

The bit about that nordic lad/anyone arguing with @Lazarus

So trying to make a bad joke out of a few murders. Oh no,you’re drinking again aren’t you

Beats trying to start a row again. Take a break for an hour maybe, it will do you the world of good. It’s Saturday night after all. Chill those hectic beans of yours

Why does the left run from debate or dissent?


Because they’re loonies, duh