Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Other than being annoying, you’re also a weirdo/creep. Who woulda thunk it


Glad you’re enjoying the murders mate, suits creeps like you down to the ground

You built your own rod buddy. Time for change now, even for you

Stick to your hilariously bad takes and worrying about your shitty little pub opening, mate.

Getting personal and spiteful now. Who would have thunk it from a lad like yourself. Maybe take an hour off, it’s been known to work wonders

Jesus, that’s what your reduced to after trying to score internet points off some horrible murders. Says it all. Go to bed you creep.

You done now?
Good, your far right tough guy persona was getting rather tiresome and predictable all told. You can do better

Far wight… christ so predictable, so tiresome. Differing from a creep like you is not far right. Go to sleep so you’ve time to get the saw dust ready tomorrow will ya.

Oooh. Thats me told. Good night @Enrique. The anger within is a cunt. You’re smart enough to overcome one day I reckon

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I’m gonna call this one in Glasgow and the call is terrorism

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Glasgow has a huge knife culture, probably just some ned.

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No reports mention far right, who’s to know

Was it a towel head?

Sounds more like a Klopp head incident


Je suis Charlie yet again

This thread has gone very quiet since Coronavirus. Strange that…

Heard he was confirmed with covid