Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

I think it is a bit more strategic than that…a lot of these attackers feed off other recent attacks and act in solidarity… over reporting is considered bad…that’s one theory anyway…

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I’m struggling to understand why Fine Gael would not want RTE to report on a terrorist attack overseas when the main news story is their leader engaging in dodgy dealings

TBH, the right-wing conspiracy is when these things are over-reported and blown up out of all proportion. But the powers-that-be don’t need to frighten us with terrorism anymore because they’ve got Covid instead. Covid is the new terrorism.

Yes but if you look at RTEs record in not recording at all or last out the door ref Isis, the threat to the EU including Ireland from these animals is always played down by our oh so PC Rte , if it was an attack by a Christian on a mosque, or anything connected to Islam they’d be killing each other to get it printed first, let’s not be coy, Merkel
And her type opened Pandora’s box and it ain’t closing at all until the EU get real

Covid is better for ratings. Isis need to up their game

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Don’t even joke about it , it’s happening as they’d a long time to regroup and get their ASUs / lone wolves back in action , watch this space, isis itself is changing all the time

They are planning a big one in UK before it goes into full lockdown. The US elections this week seems to have rousted them

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PR is everything to these groups

Scare tactics work , costs billions and ordinary joe a lot of worry and grief

Nphet learned from the best

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I can understand previous attacks being impossible to know about with a lad simply renting a van, hijacking a truck, buying a kitchen knife but surely all the guns this lad in Vienna supposedly had must cause a stir somewhere beforehand?..

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Yeah caught napping I reckon, course that sham may have gone underground for a period leading up to this

Our very low figures of 322 hardly warranted a mention this evening.

Road Traffic accident in Germany on pedestrian street.

In Trier. Nice place, only about 45 minutes away from me.
Dreadful news. The fucker went straight through the pedestrian area. 2 dead so far.
No word on whether terrorist related or not. Might be someone just cracked up.

holy shit.

we’d go to trier every year. I presume it was in the main markt (weinachtsmarkt wouldve started last week). hopefully the polizei riddled the cunt

its a lovely city and theres a good mix of nationalities.

According to Sky 2 cop cars managed to stop him in the end. Yeah the main pedestrian area, no christmas market thankfully

thank god there wasnt a weinachtsmarkt, there wouldve been carnage. but that square would still have some market stalls selling fruit & veg and dependant on the time of year, wine, asparagus or mulled wine
