Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The shooting video is rough viewing

Theres some awful whats app going around.

Near stephansplatz

George Bush was correct, we will fight them over there so we do not have to face them in the United States of America. Crazy Europeans decided to welcome them in

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The scum usually leave it till the Christmas market time but that’s all gone due to Covid

A crazy German lady did

Why did Trump stop all of America’s wars in the Middle East then?

Meanwhile crazy yanks on the verge of civil war

Compare ISIS in 2016 to now. They fled Iraq and Syria and hitched a ride to Europe.

Only Russia can save us from this.

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The Jewish community seem to be disproportionately targeted in these attacks

Easier to target in countries like Austria. Might well have got a helping hand from some of the extreme right elements over there.

I dont think this is an extreme right issue (not excusing those scumbags either). I think there is an elephant in the room in Europe but we are doing nothing about it.

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Doesn’t seem to the case in Vienna.
"Earlier reports had suggested that the nearby Stadttempel synagogue could have been the target of the attack.

But Oskar Deutsch, president of the Jewish Community Vienna, said the synagogue on Seitenstettengasse and the office building at the same address were already closed at the time of the attack, and it was “unclear” if it was one of the targets of the attack.

Deutsch told the Kurier newspaper that no members of Vienna’s Jewish community were among those injured in the attack.

Citing an interview with a rabbi living directly above the Stadttempel synagogue, newspaper Kurier reported an attacker had taken random shots at people sitting outside cafes and bars on Judengasse and Seitenstettengasse in central Vienna. “He did not aim at the Stadttempel [synagogue]”, the witness said."

Apparently ISIS are very anti-semtic.

Dunno kid. I’m only speculating. But countries like Austria, Germany and even France are rife with far right elements in society

Terrorism is so 2019.

I’d say even earlier. It peaked with the Bataclan.

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ISIS have only gone and totally redeemed themselves by making pro-Lockdowners infidels.