Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Teenager allegedly muttered something about Irelands involvement in the Middle East either during the stabbing or as he was being apprehended.

He’s apparently very unhappy with what our troops are doing in Mali. How will the far right crew handle this one?

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Mental issues I suppose will be rolled out,poor unhappy little maneen


The boy arrested is “an Irish national”.

Yeah, a unhinged white male from Galway

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Why the inverted commas?


He thinks black people can’t be irish


Cause he is a racist

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He’s a fuckin loon irrespective what colour, nationality,or creed

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Because I’m quoting directly from the article.

If you say it then it must be true.

3 dead and several more injured after a knife attack at a diversity festival in Germany

Not sure if these Eastern lads are that big into tolerance and diversity

Attacker still at large

Attacker no longer at large (at small?). Syrian man. Killed 3 and injured 8

God bless the USA. Where would we be without the west spreading peace and democracy in the middle east and north africa?

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