Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Seething…. Rightly riled up.

Someone clearly is, keep looking for attention though.

17 years old, so young, so fucking stupid.

Good to hear, i dont take advice from bumpkins like you. I say could could still count how many issues you have with me on one hand you prick

No wonder I don’t read too much news these days, world’s gone loo lah

Completely. She gave the eldest a choice of going or doing another activity yesterday. The child chose the other activity. It’s horrific. All the children and adults involved are in the primary school. A frenzied attack by all accounts.


The kind of prick who feeds those Twitter accounts care nothing for the children, the more that are killed the better for them, they’ll throw enough shite at the wall that plenty will stick and they’ll even be inadvertently correct some of the time. But it was 100% guaranteed that the rumours would start as soon as the incident took place.

Do yourself a favour and don’t do their work for them.




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I can’t help noticing the faces of all those rioters are all white.

He’ll have some pain in his head and one less boloxs as well

Here he is a moment previously:


so it was a welsh catholic that did this?

Or purple

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Who’s responsible? ISIS or Trumpworld? Is there any difference at this stage?

Code Red
Code Red