Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Sky reporting the 2 brothers have been killed.

Brothers dead.

Chocolate Mice, as someone who works in a market, could you give us any insight into the situation at HB?

2 dead towel heads, only another billion or so to go

A child has become lodged in the Tunnel of Goats.

My live stream must be a good three minutes behind. The announcement of the bothers’ deaths was ruined for me as I saw it on this thread first.

Quelle surprise

C’mon ta fuck lads, Spoliers FOR FUCKS SAKES.

Were all the hostages killed?


Sharif don’t like it
They shot the bastard, shot the bastard

What about the other towel heads that were involved? There were more than the two brothers?

I read printwork hostage is alive?

Is foul play suspected?

more fowl play…


Jerusalem Post reporting 5 dead @ HB

Will have to wait for coroner’s report mate. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
The lads were under a lot of stress lately.

The situation is fluid

HB suspect dead as well.

collateral damage