Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Don’t we have a reasonably large number of Islamic extremists living here? Remember reading an article on it before.
Also I believe the banks get people in on a daily basis trying to open accounts to funnel money to these organisations in the middle east.

It’s time to get tough with these cunts. Disappearing them, never to be seen again.

It’ll be bad. Every significant political party in France has little or no choice at this point, they have to adopt a hardline stance.

But that’s part of what these attacks are about too, heightening the conflict between Western Muslims and mainstream society, and ‘radicalising’ young muslims in the process.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1070530, member: 1786”]Don’t we have a reasonably large number of Islamic extremists living here? Remember reading an article on it before.
Also I believe the banks get people in on a daily basis trying to open accounts to funnel money to these organisations in the middle east.[/QUOTE]

The south circular road. It’s alive with the cunts.

Shure we’re great craic. Everyone loves us.

Just listened to the Neil Prendeville slot from the other day where he interviewed Anjem Choudary, well known UK towel head supporter/spokesman. This guy has hardcore beliefs and does reckon Ireland is a possible target for attack for supporting the US by allowing them to refuel in Shannon. He has total tunnel vision the cunt for this stuff and is happy with any acts of atrocities such as 911, Paris attacks, London attacks. It’s scary thinking about it. He generally schooled Prendeville by the way who sounded like an ignoramus at times.

Those Boko harem cunts used a 10 year old girl as a suicide Bomber today. These cunts should be hunted down and fucked out of an airplane without parachutes.

Without meaning to be cynical about the Paris attacks, it actually pisses me off that people go off on solidarity marches and have minutes silence for these attacks. 2000 slaughtered in Africa and it barely gets a mention. It’s hypocritical in the extreme and I find it distasteful.

Netanyahu and one of the cunts in charge of Saudi Arabia leading the march in Paris. Fucking hell.

The Africans could have a solidarity March of their own

Netanyahu? Fuck sake. That sickens my shite.

Was Prendeville not suspected of carrying out an act of terrorism on a plane himself recently?

nah, it was an act of love

He took out a weapon and attempted to explode it.

A true rebel :eek:

Do we know if he discharged the weapon or was it malfunctioning?

Apparently there was a discharge


Some wanker :smiley:

Murdoch makes Denis O’Brien look like Niall Quinn-Mother Theresa
