Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

The US wanted to stop that cunt Assad for good in Agust 2013 and cunts like the irish andti war movement and the irish palistinian solidarity campaign objected allowing him to carry on and allow his guys roast babies over a BBQ and rape 4 year old boys at will… no marches here, but by god if " the west" drops a bomb we’ll get out there and march…
you’ll see the same if they go after ISIS… there was a genocide of 20k ppl on a mountain last July… no one gave a fuck, but one NATO bomb and suddenly its western imperialism… shur wasnt there a pro gadaffi protest once the US got involved in dublin in 2011… its sick how deluded people are

Has Jim Corr made an appearance in all this yet?

He has a new single coming out tomorrow, Problem-Reaction-Solution…

the whole je suis charlie minutes music thing here before the Barca game is comical given they are sponsored by fucking Qatar who effectively sponsor world terrorism

[QUOTE=“mickee321, post: 1072013, member: 367”]agreed
The US wanted to stop that cunt Assad for good in Agust 2013 and cunts like the irish andti war movement and the irish palistinian solidarity campaign objected allowing him to carry on and allow his guys roast babies over a BBQ and rape 4 year old boys at will… no marches here, but by god if " the west" drops a bomb we’ll get out there and march…
you’ll see the same if they go after ISIS… there was a genocide of 20k ppl on a mountain last July… no one gave a fuck, but one NATO bomb and suddenly its western imperialism… shur wasnt there a pro gadaffi protest once the US got involved in dublin in 2011… its sick how deluded people are[/QUOTE]

The West will deserve everything it gets.


Makes sense.



Isis have hacked the U.S. Central command Twitter and YouTube accounts. What a bunch of jokers. Looks like the anonymous boys were asleep on the job.



And the youtube hack


The internet is serious business folks


Lads, I thought saw a towel head driving a manitou on a site today, I did a double take, only to see it was only a sikh, those lads are grand

Well up for the banter.

Sikh and you shall find

Sikhs are grand, just don’t ask them to let their hair down

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1072757, member: 168”]Well up for the banter.[/QUOTE]you’d never find a towel head on a site anyway, that much is for sure, I call sikhs “push starters” because of the red spot on their foreheads and call the towel heads pull starters, great banter

Great business idea would be to sell hard hats with the turban cloth wrapped round them so the Sikhs could wear them on site. This time next year tassotti you could be a millionaire!


This is fucking my head. Are they showing amazing forgiveness or outrageous sarcasm?