Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

Iā€™d say thereā€™s a few harkis that would argue that pointā€¦

I hope the Louvre comes out of this unscathed.

I would pal only I hate them cunts and facebook. They are putting useless cunts who chose marketing degrees out of business.

Invasive bastards. I trust @Rocko here with my IP address.

The arrested man claims to be from Syria and recruited by isis

Forgotten all about him. Been stuck in the Ecuadorian embassy for about 3 1/2 years.


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We are all in the RA

Get used to it lads. Weā€™ll see lots more of this in the years to come


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Fires burning in Calais

Police who raided the Bataclan theatre described the scene as a ā€œhorrificā€ ā€œcarnageā€, death toll expected to rise dramatically #ParisAttacks

Fucking snackbar animals. Itā€™s time for Europe to get tough on Islam.

We have to let in more first though.

It would be un-EU like not too.

Cheap labour and a divide and conquer scenario, perfect really isnt it.

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Anyone else watching the impromptu RTE broadcast coverage of this unfolding event?

Talk about amatuer. Theyā€™re only 2hrs behind everything. :grinning:

RTE have drafted in some bluffer as an expert panelist called John Maguire ā€˜Director of International Relations at France 24ā€™. He looks like heā€™s just come in from the pub.


It is comical stuff.

BBC reporting that the assault on the Bataclan is over.

Reports of refugee camp in Calais set on fire in retaliation for Paris attacks.

Jaysus i canā€™t go to bed yet. Luckily there is a load of beer in the fridge.

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ā€œYou always said, Ryan, if only one gets out, itā€™s a victory.ā€