Terrorism Thread. The terror of another nembo kev thread

So if your not happy you blow people up

That doesn’t really explain the ISIS suicide bombs in Beirut the other day, though.

From the BBC website.

"Bavaria’s state premier Horst Seehofer has said that there is “reason to believe” that a man arrested last week with several weapons in southern Germany is linked to the attacks in Paris.

“There is reason to believe that this is possibly linked” to the attacks, Mr Seehofer told a party conference.

Police made the arrest on 5 November during a routine check on a motorway and said they found “many machine guns, revolvers and explosives” in the suspect’s vehicle."

If that lot had gotten through it could have been even worse.:anguished:

What’s to explain. They are all savages be they Shia or Sunni.

Nobody is saying that. We’re not saying its an excuse, but a cause and reason for what they do.

True everything has a root

ISIS mentioned the depiction of their prophet as a motivation.

That is without a doubt an attack on our way of life.

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incident today in eastern Paris a false alarm
Previous reports of gunfire, with police helicopters in the sky, turned out to be firecrackers for a wedding according to a Le Parisien journalist

Who’d be so fucking thick to let off fireworks less than 12 hours after the largest terrorist attack to hit your country in 70 odd years.


A bride


That’s a very simple and correct explanation. The terrorism reported in the media is only one side. The terror being inflicted by the west for god knows how long is on a much larger scale but media controlled of course. I thought we had some hope when the wmd claim for going into iraq was disproved . But carpet sweeping is a rampant I’m afraid.

The west have finally stated that we are at war with Muslim terrorists.

About time.


Of course. Anyone with half a brain would say that the illegal USA UK Iraq War is driving a huge amount of this and, in my opinion, both countries have blood on their hands from Paris.

But there is another element going on to. This comes from radical Muslims who will not accept any other way of life than what is in their book. Westerns going to Muslim countries in the Middle East are expected to fall into line with this idea but they are attacking the Western countries because they have free speech. Fuck the shower of cunts.

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It’s too simple.

It provides a good degree of context, alright, but also fails to deal with the continued rise of the fundamentalist strain of Islamism that is at work here and which has taken far more of a toll on other Muslims than it has on Western countries.

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Syrian Muslim terrorists confirmed.

Likely suicide bomber arrested in Gatwick north with a grenade in his bag.

An unfriended friend on fb

"A lot of people saying what about the Bagdad bombings and other terrorist attacks across the world. People who are saying this are as bad as the terrorists because they are in their own way spreading hate.

I have friends and colleagues living and working in Paris. I’ve been lucky to visit Paris many times and love the city and people. While any death and terrorist attack is appalling, it is human nature to empathise with what is familiar. Being appalled by this attack does not show a lack of empathy with other people who are victims of violence. Everybody matters or else nobody matters. Stop trying to spread hate and descrimination

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The rise and continued financing of Wahhabist or Salafist militarism is unquestionably at the centre of the whole thing, by definition. My point is more the about the imposition of the childish and self-serving “they hate our freedom” narrative that is imposed by the Western political (and typically media) establishment in the aftermath of such attacks.

Much like the nationalist fanatics in the North, there are Salafist fanatics at the heart of movements like ISIS, but for the vast majority those movements only serve as a means of expression of deeper grievances. There’s a difference between the leadership who are violent religious puritans and the rank and file who almost universally point to very secular motivations for their actions. For those who were born and raised in Western nations, those motivations are almost always centred on racist repression at the hands of security forces or the actions of Western soldiers in Muslim countries. Those are the reasons they give when they are asked why they joined those movements. Much like Internment and Bloody Sunday was a massive driver of IRA recruitment in the North.

Wahhibism is clearly a vile movement that must be confronted and destroyed, but it’s very difficult to take seriously the notion that Western governments are genuinely interested in doing that, even if it’s used as a justification for their actions. For one thing, and as everyone knows, France, the UK, and the US continue to do multi-billion arms deals with Saudi Arabia, the primary supporter of Islamist terror. But even if you explain that away with the critical importance of Saudi Oil to our living standards, how do you explain away their active support for ISIS as it came into existence?

They knew that ISIS was another Wahhabist movement, with a penchant for decapitation and all the other niceties that accompany such groups. But they supported them anyway. You can’t square that with a genuine desire to defeat Wahhabism or Salafism. As usual it’s just a power game gone awry and innocent people pay the price for it.


Nail on head. The only solution to Daesh is to ‘hammer the hammer’ and cut off their funding from saudi and qatar. The rulers indulge these fundamentalists and fund them. In exchange for being left alone to pursue their vile habits of alcohol abuse, whoring , killing their servants and horse racing.


It was touch and go there for a while, but thankfully everyone has now changed their Facebook profile to a France flag filtered one. It beat homophobia it’ll beat terrorism. We shall overcome.