TFK Android App

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This is now available for download on Google Play.…lkfreekick.activity&feature=search_result

well hello there… this is mega amazing but I’m just a little lost

Any help needed Mark? It’s quite the improvement in my opinion.

That link is fucked. Sort it out

The refresh button doesn’t seem to work when I need to refresh the board.

Other than that, It’s fantastic. Outstanding work all round.

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 868363, member: 1796”]The refresh button doesn’t seem to work when I need to refresh the board.

Other than that, It’s fantastic. Outstanding work all round.[/quote]

Agreed refresh doesn’t work.
Also doesn’t seem to keep me signed in

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 868364, member: 1786”]Agreed refresh doesn’t work.
Also doesn’t seem to keep me signed in[/quote]
Should keep you signed in after the second time.

Refresh is working fine for me - are you refreshing on Timeline or Unread or on a post or which part?


Refresh working fine now.

a triumph @Rocko

Refresh is wank again

@Rocko how do I change it so threads are showing last poster not first.

Use the Timeline view.