TFK Away Day

The first annual TFK Away Day has provisionally been fixed for Friday, 10 September. But first we must decide on a venue. I invite members to suggest potential forums for our ‘trip’ and we’ll decide on a final venue over the next week or so. We will then need to register en masse on the selected forum between next week and 10 September. I would recommend using a rarely used gmail/yahoo/hotmail account for this purpose. Then at a designated time on the date in question we will invade the forum as one, slick, cohesive unit. We have the option of chatting amongst ourselves, as if we’re still on TFK, and confusing the fuck out of our hosts. Or literally going in all guns blazing like an Israeli tanker and attacking everything and everyone on the forum and bringing it down. I’d be looking for something a little bit of imagination in terms of venue as opposed to the first couple of sites that spring to mind.

unfortunately, i’m getting married on the 11th, and for that reason i’m out

All the very best of luck to you and the bride to be. :clap:

To what?

to whom would be the correct terminology runty, and that whom is my fiancee

Getting married on 9/11 Art?

cheers bando

PS, Locke’s golf forum will not be considered.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 508674”]
The first annual TFK Away Day has provisionally been fixed for Friday, 10 September. But first we must decide on a venue. I invite members to suggest potential forums for our ‘trip’ and we’ll decide on a final venue over the next week or so. We will then need to register en masse on the selected forum between next week and 10 September. I would recommend using a rarely used gmail/yahoo/hotmail account for this purpose. Then at a designated time on the date in question we will invade the forum as one, slick, cohesive unit. We have the option of chatting amongst ourselves, as if we’re still on TFK, and confusing the fuck out of our hosts. Or literally going in all guns blazing like an Israeli tanker and attacking everything and everyone on the forum and bringing it down. I’d be looking for something a little bit of imagination in terms of venue as opposed to the first couple of sites that spring to mind.
[/quote]Wonderful idea Bandage,it’s only right the greatest forum around flexes its muscles now and again,i would like to Nominate WTB as chief planner for this operation as i have campaigned successfully with him before…

That rules Mac out of the Away Day as well so.

I also have a wedding that weekend…Although I could do with a date, bandage :wink:

Rather naive getting married on the same day as the Greyhound Derby, art. But congratulations nonetheless. :clap:

You left out a VERY important line:

Only serious INTERNETTERS need apply.

I believe that Tinnion is having some kind of do on that day as he is one of the Thousands that are Sailing acroiss the Western Ocean.

wouldn’t be the first guy to take the big plunge on 9/11 farmer

bad taste, i know

Hm. If the Jamboree is anything to go by this wont be up to much.

I despise the sanctimonious cunts who moderate but it’s a bit too obvious.

Holy fuck.

I only glanced through that inital post expecting it to relate to another Jamboree type thing but that is much more disturbing.

This idea needs support. I need YOU to believe in the concept. We need to go somewhere that’s lightly moderated so we can ‘Ball-Ox’ their forum.

ye could take over the forum that boxtyeater posts on the whole time