TFK Away Day

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 508853”]

Tommy, are you putting yourself forward here ?[/quote]
CM one time I would have gone ahead and come on here to tell ye about it afterwards but, alas, those days are gone. Now if there was to be an approach by a number of forum stalwarts I’m sure something could be arranged. Who we need is Tipper to head this cavalry charge but in his absence I reckon you yourself would be a great deputy. Keep Bandage out of it at all costs, he’d make a total balls of it.

Darcy could be done… An email of the emotional or angry sort could be sent in. We would then have a number of responses pre typed and ready to send in. The initial mail could be nothing out of the ordinary and then send in a couple of hum dingers in response.

I would strongly recommend an away day on this forum:

That place is hardcore. We should make a point of bringing about the demise of that place

The fact that it appears there’s no-one there anymore might make it a waste of time…

Hardcore retards perhaps. An absolutely pathetic and hilarious forum. Does seem to have zero activity for the last year though, for some reason.

The Irish section does seem to have had little action recently alright but there is no shortage of other sub-forums on the parent site that could be hijacked. I think it would be delightful to introduce them to some PC, lefty-liberal, multicultural propaganda. And as a socialist, PC lefty liberal cheerleader myself, I’ll have no problem if asked to lead the charge.

Fucking twisted creeps.

How did this work out lads?

It’s coming along nicely, stayed tuned.