TFK Capitalist Thread

Same way PRSI works. It will work like a tax.


Proposal was that government would put in 1 euro for every 3 the individual put in as an incentive

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You have 22 months to borrow enough money that you are problem for the bank and not the other way around


That was in place of the current tax benefit so basically a load of shite

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Catching up on this thread made great reading.

Fuck it lads, just clear the bloody mortgage on your family home. The mental side of it will easily enhance your wellbeing/wellness/wokeness/mental health/sex life/delayed alcoholism/golf handicap/internet wins/7 hours sleep/BMI/creativity/zen/5k time or whatever you are having yourself.

It was a bad ould morning for golf earlier but we had a cracking game on Monday in Shannon. The goal for taking up golf again in 2019 of hitting 90 is only a few shots away now.
And another junior will be off to college in Cork. More free time available for us.


I met a lad who did this in Dublin in 2005. He then tore his hair out for two years as the prices rocketed and even when the crash came he was so mind fucked from worrying he’d never be able to buy a house again that he ended up buying back in well above the bottom. He said as a transaction he made money, but the stress of it ruined his life for two years and his wife nearly left him for costing them their house at one stage.
True story that.


I’ll sell you a slot in NCW for the ballysteen golf classic this weekend to help with your dream

Disappointing lack of appetite for Risk in this thread.


A lot of content lads alright… How bad…

“Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered”

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I know a lad who had the opposite experience. Wife threatened to divorce him if he didn’t buy the house she wanted in 2005 at the height of the boom. They bought it and 14 years later it’s worth 60% of what they paid. He fell for the “house prices only go up” argument.

For every fella who bought at the top there’s a fella who sold.

No-one sells the peak or buys the trough.


Why are you friends with this guy?

You also need to be able to buy for cash or hope you don’t get sick while out of the market.

Or lose your job. Accessing credit is far more difficult too.

You kinda feel there’s w whole cohort out there, not buying and thinking theyre super-smart by remembering 2008 etc. In the meantime they are paying endless rent and a price drop is unlikely to be at that scale again.

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I didn’t say anything about being friends.

It doesn’t really matter if they can afford it and and are happy living there though, does it?

True, but you have no idea if either statement is true. What we do know is disagreements over finances are the #1 reason for relationships unraveling and divorce.

Women are never happy.