TFK Capitalist Thread

After the initial shock, US equities should do very well in the coming few years. A huge reduction in the corporate tax rate and massive infrastructure spending will drive earnings for a while at least.

I think that’s a distinct possibility, but it may well just be stacking up the house of cards another level.

Buy that’s what stock markets do and have always done, they overshoot to the upside and then undershoot to the downside.

I have a feeling when it goes next time, it will be catastrophic, and will likely be in our lifetime.

The smart guys knew :clap:t2:

S & P CRASHES by 0.3% in the first hours of trading.


Dow up nearly 200 points.

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S & P up nearly 1%. OMFG.

Dead cat bounce anyone?

Will we be trying to catch falling knives tomorrow?


The Dow has hit an ALL TIME HIGH.

The Donald.

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A huge MNC employer here has today suspended a proposed €100m+ investment in a project in Ireland as they await their new President’s stance on corporation tax/diversion of investment away from Merika

Not only has the anticipated crash not come, the market is actually roaring on today.

Renewable energy stocks got an awful kicking yesterday as the Donald has no interest in climate change, all the oil, mining, etc stocks flying it.
Big pharma were loving it as well as Obamacare gets fucked out the window.

Trump has committed to gutting the EPA :joy:
Forest in your way? Not anymore it’s not. Worried about pollution? Don’t be. Acceptable pollution levels? You let us worry about that.
A big business wet dream.

They mentioned on the news the hole in the italian banks is upwards of €350bn :open_mouth:

Enda bending over for Angela again

Jaysus. Thoughts are with the Italians on this forum.

That’s an incomprehensible amount of money

Nah they’ll do what the Germans did. Heap it all on the Irish lads. Job is oxo

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There’s more where this came from. Europe is done.

What’s the liability from the German banks ? Several multiples of that ?

I think the total german debt is estimated to be twice that of Italy not specific to the banks.