TFK Capitalist Thread

Amazon down 7% in aftermarket after reporting declining yoy earnings.

I see IconicOffices the 2nd largest provider of coworking spaces in Ireland after WeWork, made a pre tax profit of €2.9m from 15 locations around Dublin.

Id be interested to see how that translates to cash. Or if there is some fancy accounting imvolved


is there any other type ?

Anyone get the sub for this?

Meh. I read the article on Magnier and it was just a collection of Companies Office searches. Rich man owns lots of companies, no real insight.

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Bankrolling the unprecedented exponential boom in Central Manchester development as well (I counted 34 cranes at one stage) apparently.

thats a brave investment with brexit looming

That would be my thought on it too. There’s four or five new skyscrapers under construction (higher than 50 stories) , and loads of other stuff.
I can’t fathom where the demand is coming from.

i was reading an article on it the other day about the gentrification of central manchester

ive no idea where the demand is coming from, must be speculators who will hopefully get burnt late 80s style when the boom collapses

We can’t buy a project in London but the central corridor we can’t resource the work that’s going on.

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Dirty money in Russia and silly money from China

Master of the Universe.

Seeing lots of Model 3s on Irish roads. A game changer of a car.

The figure being sought was outrageous, but I’m surprised a bit about the decision. It’s a dangerous enough precedent that someone with the clout and fan base of musk can label someone a paedophile with impunity.
It’s about the worst thing you can call someone these days really.

An American jury will always find for the rich famous guy

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That’s cause they think they’ll be rich some day and would hate to think some fella could sue them.

It was adjudged to be just “edgy” humor, the sort of thing you see on here daily.

The only way is up.

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