TFK Capitalist Thread

@briantinnion you must be sitting on a small fortune

Elon Musk set to cash in at Tesla as deliveries and shares soar

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An unreal set of results released by Tesla after the bell. Shares up to $647 in after hours trading (from $179 in June 2019).

Climate change deniers are having their arsed handed to them on a plate.


I’m a climate change denier but I’ve been on this Tesla bandwagon with you through thick and thin

Tesla up another 10% today. Trading at $720. Incroyable.

Elon Elon Elon

Target $5,000

How many shares did you buy after bro?

Not enough.

$915 today :scream:.

Cc @briantinnion

Down to 760 now, surely a bit signal

I have a very simple philosophy - but low, sell high.

But it might be time for some profit taking at this point.

Crispin Odey will be licking his lips

Apple announce they will miss their Q1 forecast (surprise), due to…

Even though the Chinese government has ordered everyone back to work, nobody has returned to work (as they believe their government are lying bastards who don’t mind losing a few million or maybe a few hundred million).

Demand for iPhones in China has mysteriously declined, possibly related to all stores being closed.

How long before markets factor this in?

Sure half their planes must sitting on the ground at this stage?

The big unknown is how long this bastard of a virus can live on surfaces. A metastudy of similar viruses puts the average at 9 days. Fucking nine (9) days. Measles only lasts for a few hours by comparison. It’s no wonder it spreads on a cruise ship.

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Equity markets due a plunge. A lot of bravado that the Wuhan virus is contained, even though Chinese economy is imploding. Time to seriously think about shorting.

Gold at it’s highest value since 2013

Always a bad sign

It’s the controls on the virus more than the virus itself that is impacting upon supply chains etc.

Well you wouldn’t know really.

Equity futures down bigly.

The Dow has been wiped out