TFK Capitalist Thread

A seriously overdue correction, market was way too frothy. Will be a great buying opportunity when things settle down.

Sell off has been fairly indiscriminate. There’ll definitely be value out there in due course

Agree with that, but high flying tech stocks needed to get hammered.

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face” Mike Tyson.

There was a capitalist pig from Kilmallock on the radio this morning who had a factory there that made face masks. He is gone to 24 hour production this week.

He seemed like a shrewd fucker so I assume he is a blow in from cork cc @balbec

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Whoever he is, he is at nothing without his quality Limerick workforce.

Tis an ill wind

The corona virus, making my commute easier, reducing global pollution and keeping my mortgage rate low. There’s a lot to like

US futures rallying on news of Biden’s strong showing tonight.

Looks like a pretty credible source.

It’s actually remarkable how well equity markets have held up, considering the action in the bond market. Looks like there will be carnage tomorrow though, oil is collapsing as a price war is looming. US futures are down over 4%, we could see trading halted tomorrow if limit down levels are hit.

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At least there’ll be lots of cheap houses for sale shortly.

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30 day travel ban announced from Europe to US, including cargo.
Stock market to tank further tomorrow.

Cargo not included. POTUS has clarified in a Tweet. Restriction applies to all Schengen countries.

Shit just got very real for airlines and hotels

This will finish off a few of the airlines you’d think.

Norwegian …

As suspected. When the tide goes out you find out who’s been swimming naked …

FTSE 100 index suffers second-worst day ever

Britain’s FTSE 100 has suffered its biggest one-day loss since October 1987, and its second worst day ever.
