TFK Capitalist Thread

Sterling is tanking.
Boris is at the wheel.

The Dow was down 2,200 about an hour ago. The NY Fed announced they were injecting $1.5T of liquidity in the next 24 hours and it recovered to 700 down. It’s back to almost 2,000 down again.

Not sure anyone ever thought Norwegian had clothes?



They couldn’t afjord them.


I lost about 30k off my pension fund value since start of March. Bit the bullet on Monday and shifted it into a low risk fund for the foreseeable…worth looking into for anyone in control of fund…will be a huge upside in the medium term im sure so not overly bothered but a fella wouldn’t want to be close to retirement

I’d prefer not to think about it.


Likewise, but no control over it.

I’ll leave it where it is, 100% in equities. There’ll be ups and there’ll be downs. Let the bastard ride

We could be back at record highs by June. Tremendous buying opportunity coming up.


True. Took a big hit in 2007/2008 and it was recovered within a couple of years.

The ballsy guys are ready to rock ‘n roll. Cc @Mac


I’d only start fucking around with my pension if I was retiring in a few months.


Mine was about 85% in equities. And it was an old pension so its parked with no ongoing contributions. There will be ups and downs but didnt think there was much point riding it ALL the way down!

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Sure for all you know you’ve taken it out at the bottom (I doubt it somehow) but timing is for clocks

Fuck off. He’s just a mate.


It really was a landmark post on tfk.

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