TFK Capitalist Thread

Bizarro world

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That aged badly, gold, silver and bonds collapsed today and equities joined them in the last hour. Could be just profit taking or reality taking hold.

There’s value in nathing at the minute. Equities are way over valued but bonds, fuck me, I’ve never seen anything like it.
Money being printed to bate the band and fellas holding bonds returning zero. No choice I suppose most of them, and inflation seems to be an aspiration rather than a risk

The Fed are in a trap as even if inflation were to rise they can’t raise interest rates.

The World could badly do with some inflation to take care of the debt you’d think. But all the major central banks have shot their load (and have had them shot for sometime) with no results other than an irrational equity market. As you say they’ve fuck all strings to pull if inflation were to kick in, but hard to see where it comes from. We are living in a Noflation era. It’ll be looked back on in time with incredulity and economics will have to be rewritten (again) to account for it.


In fairness though, Quantitive easing worked well up until this whole Covid mess.

You’re only spoofing at the end of the day.

Quantitative easing made the 0.1% a whole lot richer, that’s about it.

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Isnt that what its all about, mate?

Foolish to suggest otherwise.

It worked well in that it inflated the market again, into a new phase of madness and made the rich ever richer and the gap ever wider.
In terms of solving the fundamental problems that have caused all of the recent downturns it hasn’t done much, and now we’ve hit the skids with the taps at full flow so they can’t turn them on anymore.
Which has been well flagged as a danger since they turned them on in the first place.
They’ll print away anyway. Maybe our blind faith in a piece of paper, or the digits on your bank balance will be enough to sustain us. It’s held so far anyway


They (central banks) can’t let the markets crash, it’s game over if that happens. Arguably it’s game over already and the can has reached the end of the road.

The term print away may no longer be required either though mate, which is interesting.

Agree with you though.

It’ll work until the pieces of paper are worthless.

Maybe the fact that we are all invested in the house of cards will keep it propped up. If the masses ever truly realised what was happening it would all be over

Erra look, if a fucking roaster from Askeaton knows it all, their days are numbered :shushing_face:

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Tis all in plain sight kid. We just chose not to see

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Awful shite though.

The problem comes if they lose control of the bond market, which has happened before where market rates and the Fed rate get totally out of whack. In theory though they could print enough to buy all assets, which is sort of what the market believes.

Well you can’t default on a bond if you sell it in your own currency and print your own currency. The US’s saving grace. That and the fact that they made all the Arabs trade oil in US dollars in return for getting interminably involved in their madness

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In fairness @Tierneevin1979 , they’re relying on 5 to 10 tech giants holding this whole show up, in terms actually growth.

Their market cap is so large, its incredible, but its not good for the 99.9% really.

Oil isnt was it was though, they’ll probably need to re-think that strategy fairly quickly.