TFK Capitalist Thread

Not the French revolution buddy

Sigh. I know. But it led to it.

You have the right not to be sure thanks to it

Too early to say

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It led to freedom for people like you my friend


Some fellas seem all too happy to give it up for nothing these days


I can understand the likes of @flattythehurdler being against it but the rest of us commoners should be ever thankful. Most people are delighted they are no longer dying of scurvey at the age of 14

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Freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose

Kris Kristoffersonn knows the score

So the Federal Reserve had a big announcement this week, they are going to allow inflation run over 2%, in the interests of economic growth. So after ten years of trying to get inflation up to 2% using every kind of monetary stimulus imaginable, they have now given up and will just allow inflation magically get to 2% itself.

A bunch of fucking absolute spoofers.


They should have thought of that 8 years ago.

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They are admitting they were wrong for the past decade, while of course not admitting they were wrong by writing 75 research papers. Apparently they had 15 focus groups over the past two years involving small business owners, actual people that work, people out of work, etc. that convinced them the real economy isn’t actually responding to their trillions printed and given to the wealthy.

What they got wrong is that their unemployment numbers are utter bullshit, you can’t have full employment when 40% of the adult population are permanently out of the workforce, and 50% of those working are in part time employment.

They get my vote for first in line for the @Lazarus guillotine in Eyre square.


But the Markets…

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TSLA trading at $2,260 today. I think Elon’s changed the world but even I’m struggling to make sense of it. Put you stop losses in place just in case, guys.

Just needs to keep making losses. The year a profit is made the share price is doomed.

Wrong thread :hushed:

All the goons shouting at old people and burning down cities should be concentrating on building a roadblock outside JayPo’s house but they’re too thick to realise that.

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Wow. Are they real numbers?

Before Covid the participation rate was around 62%, the 50% part time is probably overstated alright.