TFK Capitalist Thread

The one that jumps out to me there is Volkswagen. I might be wrong but aren’t VW supposed to be the best around currently? Could someone one the forum please confirm?

Also VW has good customer loyalty, especially in Germany. Wouldn’t be confident about the future of Ford.

I’d like to see the same graph with actual earnings

Monopoly money for fucks sake. Absolute silliness.

They produce what, 400,000 vehicles a year? Toyota alone is north of 10 million.

Tesla’s 2020 profits are from selling carbon credits. The market cap is a punt on future sales of EV and an implied monopolistic control over that market

setting up a factory in china wasnt the brightest idea for that so, theyll nick the IP and ramp up the production and put Tesla out of the market

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Tesla shares went over $800 today ($4,000 before the recent share split). Elon is now the richest man in the world.

Imagine the SEC prosecuted him for saying he wanted to take the company private and accused him of falsely driving the price up to $420 (or $84 based on the current post split share price).

Elon is boosting Dogecoin now. Get on while the price is low

Elon is a religion.

I bought Tesla, nio and workhorse for small enough money about 6 months ago… NIO has quadrupled in value since I bought it… I couldn’t hardly tell you what NIO does tbh only bought a few similar type stocks to ride on the EV magic carpet ride…


The Dow closes at a record 31,000. :clap:

The Trump Presidency has been a very profitable 4 years. :us:

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That remains to be seen.

I put a few quid into Plug Power. No idea what it does really or who its competition is.

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I gave my brother’s new Chinese girlfriend a wedge to put into a company she recommended. I have no idea what the company is, or what it does.
She’s lovely though.


All the billy big balls investors are out today.


Nice one Daddy Warbucks

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It’s not 700 quid whiskey in a plastic bag.

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No you’re right there.

Exactly. Billy big balls I’ve got premium whisky in a bag gone very quiet

I just messaged her there. It’s up 20%.
Mr Warbucks to you.