TFK Capitalist Thread

Protect a woman from Johnny Depp?

Rescue kids from a cave.


Smoke weed properly

Give his kid a proper first name

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stay off twitter

Buying gold bullion as a long term investment. Anybody any advice?

Dig a good hole.

Gold is a hedge against inflation or currency depreciation, so if you think central banks will continue to provide liquidity and governments take on more debt, gold should continue to rise. If you don’t want to dig a hole you can buy ETFs like IAU and GLD.

During the Great Financial Crash 2010ish I was in a hotel in Madrid that had a vending machine which sold bits of gold for 50,100,200, 500 euro.

At that stage people feared for the euro and every day rumors were it would collapse. I’m not sure wha the market would have been for bits of gold but always wondered if it was a hang up in Europe from days of old when you might need to bribe a border guard to let you leave the country.

Spend all his money ?

As I understand it there has been a move away from options, and towards physical gold.

Lot of patter about cryptocurrency being a new refuge for store of value and hedge against inflation, huge growth in recent weeks.


Absolute insanity

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I was chatting to someone last year about Tesla and they said to me - if someone is spending that kind of money would they not just buy an Audi or something like that?

I said to them - imagine it’s 2010 - I’ve told you I’d love to buy and iPhone and you’ve just asked me why I wouldn’t just buy a Blackberry?

Elon has changed the game. How many of the legacy automakers will still be in business in 15 years?


Any that didn’t put an effort into EVs should go bust

What sort of carbon footprint are EV supply chains leaving mate?

These lads don’t care about child slaves in African lithium mines.


Im a person on a bike mate

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