TFK Capitalist Thread

And record debt, but hey ho.

What does debt matter really? Especially to the US.

It doesn’t matter until it does.


Beautifully put.

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Every post war president, bar Nixon and Dubya, has presided over double digit market returns

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a 12 point loss on the Dow for President Bidens first full day.


Oh wait that’s actually nothing.


That was the joke

Poor old Joe still waiting for a positive Dow Jones day as President.

The markets are starting to behave very erratically, danger ahead I think.

GameStop :rocket:

The markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent

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The GameStop story seems to show that social media influence is stronger than rational investing.
That does not surprise me

Blockchain technology good
Unregulated bitcoin bad

Is the mantra of the traditional Finance industry.

JP Morgan also trying to dampen the hype

What you expect ?? The USA is now the USSRofA

There’s been a few examples, including Hertz, where the day trader momentum seems strong enough to overpower the short sellers and those hedging options.

Hertz were able to issue millions of new stock when they were effectivelyally bankrupt and bondholders were facing losses before the SEC eventually stepped in and blocked it.

There was a great anecdote about how some trust fund jerk had taken his father’s life savings and put it all into BlackBerry stock with a “you only live once” attitude. “Told him ‘It’s either retirement on a yacht or food stamps for him


Beyond Meat was up 50 per cent in last week. I sold the few shares today. Lots of other examples but it’s no less irrational than what “professional investors” do.

Yet another down day for the Dow Jones.

We need to go back to when President Trump was in power to see the last positive day for the Dow.

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