TFK Capitalist Thread

Blue Sphere is where it’s at.

GameStop has hit $300 today :eyes::eyes:


Gamestop is mental. It’s fascinating to watch.

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SEC thinking of pulling the brakes apparently.
Has this just become the handiest rope in a largely hijinx related/malicious tug of war, akin to two lads bidding a signed Rory McIlroy golfball up over four grand at a dinner auction I was once at?
Nerds trying to squeeze hedgies?

:rocket: :rocket:

I don’t know. And I don’t know how it ends.

If screenshots are to be believed u/DeepFuckingValue has turned circa $50k into $22.5m.

One thing is clear - retail mug punters are able to move markets. Suspect they are also a factor in the rise of Tesla (which touched $900 yesterday - ten times the value Elon laughed at for trying to take it private).

Apparently there’s a Reddit group worth watching called deepstockmarketbets or something like that. I’ll check.



It’s unreal! Another invisible boundary breached

Opened at 350, dipped to 250 and has now recovered the intraday loss.

That’s the one.

The juniors put me on to it a month ago.

Revolut is a game changer on this

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We need to work together lads and make some money.

I think I’m gonna take a punt on AMC at the current prices…

Could we get something like R/WallStreetBets going on TFK? Upend the ISEQ Index?

Half the TFK users are committed to violently usurping the mechanisms of capitalism. Could be a reach


What better way than to beat the capitalists at their own game

"Posted from my iPhone’

I got into them 7 or 8 months ago, after Trump had put through the April reopening suggestions. Got a nice return on what was a punt. Haven’t looked at them since, seems 50/50 how the movie theatre business goes.

There’s a few penny stocks on the index with trading volume < 50k per day and a market cap of <€10m, the likes of Great Western Mining Corp, Providence Resources.

Lads here have kitchen islands and coffee tables worth more than these firms. Easy to start a run on them.


A favourite of The Phoenix.