TFK Capitalist Thread

77% intraday loss on GameStop followed by a 50% recovery. Unreal

Someone is making an absolute fortune for the ages out of this.

I think he did the cash register in a bistro

I thought Wooly went straight from College to the radio

He was one of the biggest players in the IFSC back in the day.

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Dogecoin :rocket:


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What is all this robinhood, reddit carry on?

Congrats to President Biden who saw the Dow Jones close in positive territory for the first time :clap:

He is 1 for 6, but he is up and running.

That’ll mean a lot


Elon must have a hat load of GME stock

Elon Musk should be running the country


Think he may have axe to grind as wasntt his stock originally shorted by some of these groups?


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Cc @Lazarus I always hated the Mets

Is there any link with trump and these particular hedge funds. And could they be targeted as punishment for donating to trumps campaign :thinking:

Yeah some serious evidence, that’s all I can say for now. Do your research :grinning:


You have Trump Derangement Syndrome. Your only two options are to apply for a job in CNN or seek therapy.