TFK Capitalist Thread

MNCs tax planning takes account of administration changes - a lot were naturally scepticial of the Trump cut lasting

The Apple case was a land grab by EUropean commission for US tax

The Trump tax cut made no difference to most of the larger MNCs, as they were paying no tax in the US anyway before or after. It benefitted small businesses more than large.

Tax free, I wonder?


Equity markets tanking as Biden’s plan to double capital gains rates on the filthy rich is leaked.

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The Q1 figures are out. Tesla bought 1.5 billion USD of Bitcoin at the start of the year. The price went up and they sold a chunk for 272 million USD. And they made over 100 million on it :grinning:



Just waiting for him to pump Bonfire now.

Looks like Yellen may have popped the bubble.

The fucking cunt.


Interest rates :point_up:?

Correct. Powell is saying no interest rate increases for a few years, Yellen just said we may need to raise them soon to stop economy overheating. The bond market has been saying for a while interest rates are going up.

Its seems like a bit of a tantrum/pull-back rather than anything else. Still a lot of money out there and I don’t see a big retreat into cash. I think we’re into a period of surges/ebbs and volatility.

I think it depends on how the Fed’s “transitory” inflation plays out.

As against that I reckon a lot of the crypto investors have no idea about interest rates.

Interest rates are irrelevant to Crypto. In fact, everything is irrelevant to Crypto

Wouldn’t be so sure

They should if a currency crisis emerges, which isn’t that out of the question.
Anyway Janet shat herself and backtracked, someone obviously had a word.

Crypto is basically a pyramid scheme, everything outside of it is irrelevant to it