TFK Capitalist Thread

Houses in Limerick are certainly buzzing. Only social being developed for the past 6 months so a big big gap between supply and demand.

Harder to understand a big quarter in recruitment. Were they comparing to this time last year?

I was looking closely at Clarina recently :eyes:

Seems to be a lot of half and half roles. They are mainly accountancy type stuff

He says ever. For the limerick office

Is that home? Those traffic lights would drive me bananas

Spare a thought for the fellas who bought the shitboxes in Lucan or the likes. Ouch.


Its the mountmellick types i feel sorry for.

At least there no traffic in Mountmellick and you’re central to wherever you wanna go.

Those estates in Lucan :rofl:

Especially given how I used work on them back in the day, fucking pissed together, death traps and shitholes.

The new development just off the new roundabout on the main road, went sale agreed. A few new builds in Mungret as well were gone very quickly.

Three million quid for a tweet.

I’ll sell you the 1st ever post on TFK for a bag of chips


Wonder how much this is worth


@LimerickNomad is sitting on a small fortune with his download of the original EdCase post on the homeless girl in his room.

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The pubs are the key attraction for American multinationals

Open the fucking things then.


I like the sounds of it tbh bit of infrastructure spend is long over due stateside. But what makes a multinational American? Could apple not decide its an Irish company for example and save itself a small fortune in tax

They could I suppose, but they would lose other benefits of being an American corporation, like the government fighting on your behalf on trade deals, IP protection, etc. I think most reasonable people regard it as obscene that the largest and wealthiest US corporations pay no tax in the US, so that needs to be addressed. Hopefully the outcome will be reasonable for both the US and Ireland, I can’t see MNCs fleeing Ireland due to this, but there could be a sizable hit to tax revenue.