TFK Capitalist Thread

Could they send over a few lads to build houses here?

I’m sure they’d be happy to send a bit of their $100 billion debt that nobody wants apparently.

We are the global experts in managing debt. CHI-NAMA


Is Evergrande going to crash the global market?

Another plague from China.

Can we move their excess housing stock to the West?

Up to 1millon buyers in China have paid up front deposits to Evergrande for houses that might never get built.


They’ve been offered a one bedroom apartment.

The Chinese won’t let this be any sort of LTCM moment. They’ll pull a few levers, move a few pieces around, a few heads will roll, maybe literally and away we go again into the next crisis

Evergrande burn the foreign bondholders, but but but FFG told us you weren’t allowed do that

I think it’s a bit easier when you are China! You’ve either got actual power or (like Ireland) you don’t

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They could send their builders. Housing crisis sorted out in jig time. Belt and road initiative.

Chairman Powell coming under a bit of questioning pressure here on asset purchases by Fed committee members. Sure what could possibly be wrong with Fed members personally owning the same assets that they are buying as part of their QE program for the past 12 years ,and driving the price of those assets through the roof.


A quick spin around Galway City would suggest that a commercial property price crash is imminent… The big question is, will it trigger a bigger crash?

What made you think this mate?

Lots of signs up… Offices for rent etc. They could all be converted for domestic use I spose.

Its always the small shit, 12k, when he was probably eaeming 200k.

Former CEO arrested in probe into ‘home improvement’ fraud

Greed is a deadly sin


Interesting read here

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