TFK Capitalist Thread


I assume this is a big deal

A big deal for football fans in Guangzhou anyway

If it happened in the states it’d be lehmann brothers mark two. The question is how well the Chinese economic machine can deal with it. The market has had this priced in a while and has basically said, it’ll be grand.
Once domino’s start falling its always hard to predict. Very unlikely they are the only ones swimming naked. But again if there was anywhere in the World you’d want this to happen it’s China.

Unless you’re an evergrande manager

Delightful snippets of some business bingo lingo there


It’s a big deal in China, the question is what Beijing can do to limit the fallout. Real estate is 25% of the economy and 75% of household wealth, so the potential for a 2008 style crash is significant. The main difference is the CCP won’t bail out bondholders or developers. The lad who own’s 70% of Evergrande is down about $17 billion and counting.

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You’ve to be years at it

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There’ll be no 200 grand a year and give your assets to your brother with this lot.


It’ll be give your ashes to your brother.


A different take on moral hazard.

Yep Xi don’t care
He will gladly burn the investors domestic included

He is consolidating power and cleaning shop

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And bill him for the bullet

A preferable one

You’d have the likes of ronan, davy’s and quinn up against a wall instead of attending the indo christmas cuntfest

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Some real estate bubble they have

Bit like Ireland in the noughties. Building way in excess of demand. The Chinese equivalent of Paddy in the yellow boots will either make a fortune or be buried in a pit

Supposedly there are whole cities over there empty.
If they setup a direct flight they could say they were commutable to Dublin and make a fortune


Elon Musk to Senator Elizabeth Warren who accused him of being a freeloader:

“Stop projecting Senator Karen. You remind me of when I was a kid and my friend’s angry mom would just yell at everyone for no reason” :rofl:


FOMC decision in 5mins. Jpow to bottle it, continue roll off of bond buying as already priced in, two hikes in 2022 and no mention of the balance sheet.


Sure it makes perfect sense to continue billions of bond purchases a month with Inflation at the highest level since the 1970s. He’s now using the new variant as justification when it’s going to lead to yet higher inflation.

They are utterly fucked, as are the ECB.