TFK Capitalist Thread

Is that you Bertie?
Tbh, you’d never know because they’ll never tell you. Investing in China would be like using revolut for high value currency exchange.

Anyone retiring around now would have their pension in cash the last 2-3 years.

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It’s more residential where the issues have been, half the place seems to be empty.

If they may take in a few Ukrainians they could solve everyones problems

Stripe laying off 14% of it’s global workforce.

Sure they’re all at it. Twitter, facebook etc. Cutting the workforce big style.

You’d suspect Dublin is going to get hit very hard over the next few months. At least with Twitter it’s not like they were paying Corporation Tax on profits.

Could do with another pandemic to boost the profits of tech and big pharma :eyes:. Shur all the pubs have decent outdoor areas now.

I wonder what would be the impact, will all their international workforce turn around and fuck off out of Dublin I wonder? Rent should fall perhaps without the tech companies distorting the market.
Commercial real estate must be under serious pressure already without this.

What Musk is doing at Twitter seems to be absolute madness, he hasn’t taken any time to investigate what would be a smart move and what wouldn’t. Just a big fucking axe. There is no way he has had time to figure out that the right people will be left behind. Will be some shit show

Raising interest rates as we enter a recession and oil prices are high

UK have said they have entered what is likely to be their longest ever recession.

Staff are currently a lot cheaper.

They have jumped head first into that shit though. We should be in a lot better shape hopefully. The crippling nature of the last recession meant we weren’t fully able to get carried away this time around

I wouldnt like to be a bean bag or FuzzBall table salesman


On the other hand, if you’re looking to pick up an air hockey table on the cheap…

I have been looking to turn my stairs into a slide, I must keep an eye out

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I think the tech lads are in for a rude awakening

Will naps still be allowed?

As long as it’s not all day.

Draconian stuff

These IT lads could do with a Union